How to Climb Out of Poverty

Science For Life
Published in
8 min readDec 16, 2021


If we reason sensibly, how can an ordinary man born in a slum get rich? We will not consider the criminal way, nor will we consider beautiful stories about millionaires. So, reasoning based on common sense will get you nowhere. Then what good is common sense to you? Why settle for common sense? Just allow yourself to do what seems impossible.

By acting logically, people get the appropriate result. If one is born into poverty, one is surrounded by poverty, accustomed to it, and attuned to emitting energy at the frequency of one’s poverty line. It is very difficult to readjust to the line of one’s affluence if one has only hatred of one’s poverty, envy of the rich, and a desire to become affluent oneself. Or no, I would say that with only these three things in place, it is almost impossible to switch to the line of wealth.

Let’s look into why. Probably one of the first discoveries of all children entering life is this fact: Just because you don’t want something doesn’t mean you’ll be spared it. Sometimes a cry of despair just bursts out of your soul: “But I don’t want it! I just hate it! Why won’t it leave me alone? Why does this always happen to me?” Such a question in a fit of indignation ask themselves not only children, but adults as well. Indeed, it is difficult to accept the situation that if you do not want something, it still happens, and if you hate it, it just persists. You can hate your poverty, your job, your physical defects, your neighbors, vagrants in the street, alcoholics, drug addicts, dogs, thieves, bandits, insolent youths, the government… The more you hate it, the more it comes across in life. It hurts you, you think about it, and so you continue to be in a line of poverty where the object of your discontent is present in abundance. And here it doesn’t matter what polarity this emission has: “like” or “dislike. The second is even more effective, because negative emotions are stronger. Can you imagine how many harmful factors are inherent in a negative attitude toward life?

Let’s go back to the man born into poverty. He has a dream of becoming rich. But one wish, as you know, does not change anything. You can collapse on the couch and lazily pull: “It would be nice to sunbathe on the beach right now, but it’s winter, and I don’t have money for a trip. This is roughly how a poor person dreams of becoming rich. If a person is not willing to act to get what he wants, he won’t get it. And he does not act because he is convinced that nothing will work out anyway. This is such a vicious circle. Desire has no power. It cannot even lift a finger. It is the intention, that is, the determination to act, that does it. Intention also includes a willingness to have. A person may say, “Well, you can’t take that away from me! It’s so easy, because I want to be rich!” No. Again, there is a deep gulf between “wanting” and “being willing to be.” For example, a poor person feels “out of place” in a rich setting or in an expensive store, even if he tries hard to convince himself and others otherwise. Deep down, he believes that he is not worthy of it all. Wealth is not part of the poor man’s comfort zone, not because being rich is uncomfortable, but because he is far from it all. The new chair is more comfortable, but the old chair is more comfortable. The poor are only familiar with the outward side of wealth: luxurious houses, expensive cars, jewelry, travel… If you put a poor person in such an environment, he will feel discomfort. And if you give him a suitcase of money, he will start to do all sorts of stupid things and lose everything in the end. The frequency of the energy he broadcasts is in sharp dissonance with such a life. And until the beggar lets the trappings of wealth into his comfort zone, until he learns to feel like a master of expensive things, he will remain poor, even if he finds the treasure.

One more obstacle on the way to wealth is envy. As we know, to envy means to be vexed by someone else’s good fortune. In this sense, there is nothing constructive about this feeling. But envy has a strong destructive element. Human psychology is organized in such a way: if he envies what he would like to have, he tries to depreciate it in every possible way. Here is the logic of “black envy: “I envy what he has. I do not have it, and I will hardly ever have it. But how am I worse than him? It means that the thing he possesses is bad, and I do not need it. This is how the desire to have turns into a psychological defense, and then develops into rejection. Rejection goes on a subtle level, because the subconscious mind takes everything literally. Consciousness depreciates the object of envy only for appearance, for self-assurance, whereas sub-consciousness takes everything seriously. And this is where it does a disservice, doing everything not to get what is devalued and rejected.

Thus you see what tenacious forces are holding a person to a poor life line. Events are even more dramatic when one moves from the affluent to the poor life line. There are times when a well-to-do person loses everything and ends up on the street. All the insidiousness of the transition to poverty is manifested in the fact that its spiral unfolds slowly, imperceptibly at first, and then more rapidly, so that it cannot be stopped. This spiral begins with temporary financial difficulties. Note that temporary financial difficulties can always happen to anyone. It is as common an inevitability as, say, rain on the day you are going on a picnic. If you don’t become enraged, depressed, anxious, or resentful of life about it without getting a boost, the situation will stabilize.

The real transition to the poor life line begins when you grasp the tip of the spiral and begin to unwind it. Your first reaction is dissatisfaction. This is still too little support for the difficult situation at hand, and if your emotions run out at this point, it will resolve. The other reaction is resentment, and this is already stronger, you begin to send information to your surroundings that someone is to blame for your financial difficulties. You respond to this second push with negative feedback or actions toward the perpetrators. At this point, the negative energy begins to fill you completely and a new spiral begins: you receive another paycheck even less, or prices jump, or you are required to pay a debt. Note, at this stage you are not yet aware of any process going on. It may just seem like an annoying nuisance. In reality, it is a directed process that you launched yourself, responding to the negativity with negativity. The frequency of your energy radiation is increasingly shifting from lines where you are successful to lines where you are deprived and resentful. So you transfer to the life lines corresponding to these new parameters. And so your situation becomes more and more aggravated. The bad news starts coming in from everywhere: prices are going up; things are not going well in your company. You begin to actively discuss this negative news with your acquaintances and relatives. The discussion, as a rule, is destructive, i.e. complaints, dissatisfaction and aggression against the alleged perpetrators. This is especially pronounced in companies where things are quite bad. There, the day begins with the postulate that “there is no money,” as with the morning prayer. In no case do not kill yourself over the lack or loss of money, otherwise there will be less and less. If a person earns little money, his typical mistake will be to whine about not having enough money forever. The parameters of such radiation correspond to poor life lines. It is especially dangerous to give in to anxiety that money is becoming less and less Fear is the most energetically saturated emotion, therefore by experiencing fear of losing or not making money you in the most effective way move yourself to the lines where money is really becoming less and less. At this stage you are already completely seized by the spiral, your radiation is tuned to a destructive frequency. As things are getting worse, you are gripped by anxiety. The energy of anxiety, in spite of its small value, is very well manifested in your actions. In this state, you will inevitably create an aura of negativity around you, increasingly experiencing discontent, aggression, depression, apathy, resentment, and so on. Thus the situation gets out of control and begins to develop in an avalanche-like manner. Fear takes hold of you completely, and you go on the rampage. It is as if you were taken by the arms and spun, spun, and then abruptly thrown. You flew aside, fell, and were left lying there in a state of shock. That’s a scary picture. And it all started with a little financial hardship. In the end, when the spiral unfolded, the unfortunate person lost a lot, at best, and at worst, everything. Further events could unfold in different ways: the unfortunate person would either remain lying on the unfortunate lifeline, or would begin to struggle to make it out. Such a transition can happen either to an individual or to a large group of people. In the second case, as you understand, it is not just a spiral, but a real whirlpool from which it is very difficult to get out.

The only remedy for this transition is not to grasp the tip of the spiral, not to succumb to emotion, and not to get involved in a destructive game. It is not enough to know how this mechanism works. It must always be kept in mind. Rebuff yourself whenever you habitually, as in a dream, accept this game, that is, express discontent, resentment, show concern, participate in destructive discussions, and so on. In dreams the same thing happens: until you realize that this is a dream, you are a puppet in someone else’s game and you may be haunted by nightmares. As soon as you wake up, shake off the vision, realize what the game is, that’s it, you are the master of the situation and will not become a victim of circumstances, while everyone around you is in a zombified state.

Let us summarize.

Each person chooses for himself or herself which life to be on, the line of poverty or the line of wealth. By emitting negative energy, a person’s own life line deteriorates. Aggression is mistaken for strength and dissatisfaction for a normal reaction. The more often a person responds to negative events, the worse for him/her, it leads him/her to the line of poverty.

Try to keep all negative information out of your life line. Not letting them in means not to avoid them, but intentionally to ignore them, not to be interested in them. Negative information, dissatisfaction and envy have not solved any problems yet, they add to them, so you need to concentrate on the good, and on the opportunities.

The world is like a mirror, reflecting your attitude toward it. When you are dissatisfied with the world, it turns away from you. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes to you.



Science For Life

Writer, like to motivate people who are struggling.