Internal Supervisor and how to activate it

8 min readJan 24, 2022

Most people’s consciousness is consumed by events, information, news, the Internet, and television. Often you too are immersed in this environment, as a result of which you forget about yourself and your goals, that is, you “fall asleep” in the daily routine. In doing so, you will always find time for everyday chores and concerns, but what you really need, what fills you up, inspires you and brings you closer to your dreams, will remain behind the curtain. Gradually, you’ll take responsibility for your life away from yourself and begin to drift along the current of circumstance, like a paper boat…

In the transformation into reality of a potential option from the space of options there is such a concept as the position or role of the Supervisor. It is a unique inner state of a person, in which he controls what is happening inside and around him, as if he is simultaneously a screenwriter, director, actor and spectator of his own life. It is both an observation and an active action.

The Inner Supervisor helps not to get lost in the daily worries. It allows you to make effective decisions in any situation, find new unexpected opportunities, remain vigilant even in the most difficult situations.

But one should not confuse the Supervisor’s position with that of an observer. After all, the observation takes place in a detached way, without your participation. The inner Supervisor is always an active role. I see myself, I see what is happening around me. And I can choose how I treat this or that situation.

Important! Inner Supervisor has nothing to do with split personality. You simply notice in the background what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Why activate the Supervisor?

A conscious person in the Supervisor position begins to think clearly and logically, is always open to necessary information, is ready to receive and process it, generating new ideas and bringing them to life, finding new opportunities and discovering shortcuts to success. He does not get tangled up in the chaos of ideas, guesses and stereotypes.

In the Supervisor state, one is aware not only of oneself in the situation, but also of the situation itself, and has the ability to look from the outside at everything that is happening in the present — “here and now.”

The skill and habit of turning on the inner Supervisor as often as possible allows you to get out of the Systems that are constantly taking you away from your goals. Any System wants you to be constantly “asleep,” because a “sleeping” person is easier to control, easier to convince him of something, you can sell him something, persuade him… And if you are not aware of what is happening now, you can fall into their trap. If you assess the situation from a Supervisor’s perspective without being involved, you’re free!

Tips on how to turn on the Supervisor and remain conscious in any situation

Tip 1.

Take responsibility for the consequences of every action you take in life. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative. You write your own life script and whether you like it or not it will remain your creation. You may have done it unconsciously while you were “in a dream.” But even in that case, you did it, so it is your responsibility.

Each person is the creator of his own reality, he creates his life precisely by his attention, his thoughts, his transmission, this must be recognized, and you should not shift the responsibility to external circumstances or other people.

Tip 2.

You must understand that your results in life directly depend on your thoughts. Often you don’t even think about the fact that the thoughts you broadcast during the day are somehow interfering with the realization of your goals. Out of habit you run through your head one negative thought after another, and then you don’t understand: “Why am I not getting the results I want? I’m doing everything for it!” Negative thoughts don’t go anywhere, they leave energetic traces that can surface at the most inopportune moment when it seems that the goal is already in your pocket.

You need to see and realize how your thoughts are shaping your life, and begin to be different, more aware of your thoughts, attention, emotions, and inner state. Observe what you are broadcasting to the world, what you are sharing with people around you, and how you feel about it.

Tip 3.

Do a practice every day to activate your Supervisor. At first you will find it difficult to activate your Supervisor, but it is not necessary to spend 24 hours a day in this position. The main thing is to get into the habit of activating it in problematic situations that disturb, irritate, or scare you.

A simple practice will help you acquire the habit of “not falling asleep” in routine and remaining conscious in difficult situations. In the morning give yourself the attitude: “Today my Supervisor is in an active state.”

Then put 3 (or more) reminders on your phone with the word “wake up. As soon as you hear these reminders, ask yourself 4 questions: “Where am I?”, “What am I doing?”, “How do I feel?”, “Are my actions leading me to my goal?”

If you are experiencing negative thoughts and feelings at the time of your phone signal, ask yourself what they are related to, you need to clarify the symptom-generating cause. Most likely, you will find that it is your habitual reaction to events. Observe these thoughts and change your attitude towards the situation, try to find positive aspects in it or shift your attention from the problems to your goal, to what you want to get in the end. Do this practice every day for 2–3 weeks, and you’ll solidify the skill of waking up to reality and turning on the Supervisor.

Tip 4.

Activate the Supervisor through play.

Play is one effective way to perform the practice of transforming into reality a potential option from the option space, including to activate the Supervisor. When we are immersed in the game, we do not have an inflated importance and tension, we are enthusiastic, relaxed and focused at the same time, which brings its results.

Tip 5.

Realize why you need a Supervisor, what goal you want to realize.

Everyone has a purpose in life, but most people don’t realize it or unconsciously ignore it. Why? On the way to achieve their goals, people often find themselves faced with a problem that is conditionally hindered by the lack of knowledge, material or other resources, and thus on the way to the goal there is a knot, where he, the man subconsciously gets stuck. He is not aware of this, and he loses the will to follow his goal. People around him consider him aimless, and even he himself admits it. Such people practice turning on their inner Supervisor for the sake of practice. They even find excuses: “I want not to think about this problem, but I can’t”, “I would like to free myself from worries and negative thoughts, but I can’t”, and so on. They say that they actively turn on the Supervisor, but for some reason there are no results.

In fact, such a condition is a symptom and a signal to a person that something needs to be changed in his behavior, in his approach to solving tasks on the way to the goal. To do this with the first symptom it is necessary to focus and mentally or on paper to describe step by step your actions to choose a different state, a different way of thinking and other actions.

Tip 6.

Rebuff yourself whenever you habitually accept the System game.

The phenomenon of synchronization in various systems, in particular the experiments of Christiaan Huygens on a pendulum clock or the metronomes, which are forced to change their vibrations, adjusting to the general rhythm, all this can serve as an example of subordination of people by the System.

The System is constantly trying to synchronize your life with a common wave that only benefits it.

The more often you activate your Supervisor, to get out of the System’s control, to free yourself from its influence, it will try its best to “return you” to its ranks. Don’t give in to the System’s, it will try to hook you with emotions — showing discontent, resentment, showing concern, participating in destructive discussions, and so on.

Tip 7.

Observe your breathing, make it deep, calm and conscious.

Breathing is the foundation of our lives. The way you breathe — that’s your state and how you live. Watch your breathing. When you’re agitated, you breathe often and superficially like the top of your lungs. When you are in harmony with yourself and the world, you breathe calmly and deeply while you breathe with your belly, that is the lower part of your lungs.

Think about your breathing during the day. You can do it at any moment: in transport, at work, at home, in a store. Just ask yourself: how am I breathing right now? Align your breath. Take a conscious deep breath and a calm slow exhalation, and the exhalation should not be tense, but calm and natural, as if you were letting go of the exhalation. This is especially good to do in stressful situations, when you feel that emotions are overwhelming you and it’s getting harder and harder to stay in the Supervisor position. Shift your attention from external circumstances — to your breathing, and it will help your Supervisor “stay awake.”

Tip 8.

Don’t react to external stimuli unconsciously, but choose your attitude.

Humans are different in that they can choose how to relate to a situation.

Remember, you are endowed with the ability to choose their attitude to what is happening. Get angry or shrug your shoulders calmly, get offended or smile, get involved in an argument or pass by. Everyone reacts differently to the same event. Some fall into negative thoughts, emotions and experiences, while others continue to stay on their wavelength and broadcast a harmonious radiation to the world around them. When you choose your attitude toward the situation, your Supervisor “wakes up” on his own.

So, in order to learn how to turn on the Supervisor, you need to acquire new habits:

Taking responsibility for all results in your life and observing your thoughts. Do daily practices to activate the Supervisor, including mindful breathing practices.

Find a goal that will help you not quit the practice and motivate you.

Do not give in to the provocations of the System and consciously choose your attitude to what is happening.

And then you will always be conscious: you will forget about the stress, find inner harmony and will always act effectively, even in the most difficult situations!

Good luck to you!




Writer, like to motivate people who are struggling.